March 3, 2014. Oral presentation at the The Fifth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Conference

Our abstract, “Identification, Prediction and Prioritization of Non-Coding Variants of Uncertain Significance in Heritable Breast/Ovarian Cancer,” has been accepted for oral presentation at the BRCA: Twenty Years of Advances – The Fifth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Conference in Montreal, Quebec (Apr 23-25).

The authors are:

E.J. Mucaki(1), N. Caminsky(1), A. Stuart(1), C. Viner(1), B. Shirley(2), J.H. Knoll(1,2), P. Ainsworth(1), P.K. Rogan(1,2)

1) University of Western Ontario, 2) Cytognomix Inc., London,  Canada

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