Poster presentation at ConRad 2021 on radiation biodosimetry with ADCI

On May 10, 2021, CytoGnomix is presenting a poster at ConRad 2021 ( titled:

Demonstration of the Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator [ADCI] System in a Cloud-based, Online Environment.

From the abstract:

Interpretation of cytogenetic metaphase images and quantification of exposures remain labour intensive in radiation biodosimetry, despite computer-assisted dicentric chromosome (DC) recognition and strategies to share workloads among different biodosimetry laboratories.  ADCI processes the captured images to identify DCs, selects images, and quantifies radiation exposure.  This paper describes ADCI_Online, a secure web-streaming platform  on Amazon Web Services that can be accessed worldwide from distributed local nodes.

ADCI_Online offers a subscription-based service useful for radiation research, biodosimetry proficiency testing, inter-laboratory comparisons, and training. In a research context, the system could provide highly uniform, reproducible assessment in large studies of many individuals, for example, exposed to therapeutic radiation. ADCI_Online compute environments originate from a single snapshot which can be cloned any number of times; thus, the system can be rapidly scaled when required. With robust network connectivity in a medical emergency of multiple potentially radiation exposed individuals, throughput and capacity for multiple samples requiring simultaneous processing and dose evaluation can be expanded to seamlessly mitigate any backlog in sample interpretation.

Nov. 9, 2020. Notice of Allowance for US Pat App. Ser. No. 16/057,710

CytoGnomix’s Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI) system will be awarded a US Patent for all claims covering “Smart Microscope System for Radiation Biodosimetry.”  The patent application is available at:

The abstract reads:

An automated microscope system is described that detects dicentric chromosomes (DCs) in metaphase cells arising from exposure to ionizing radiation. The radiation dose depends on the accuracy of DC detection. Accuracy is increased using image segmentation methods are used to rank high quality cytogenetic images and eliminate suboptimal metaphase cell data in a sample based on novel quality measures. When a sufficient number of high quality images are detected, the microscope system is directed to terminate metaphase image collection for a sample. The microscope system integrates image selection procedures that control an automated digitally controlled microscope with the analysis of acquired metaphase cell images to accurately determine radiation dose. Early termination of image acquisition reduces sample processing time without compromising accuracy. This approach constitutes a reliable and scalable solution that will be essential for analysis of large numbers of potentially exposed individuals.

July 4, 2019. Presentations describing interlaboratory comparison of radiation exposure determination by automated cytogenetic biodosimetry

We will be presenting:

Determination of radiation exposure levels by fully automated
dicentric chromosome analysis: Results from IAEA MEDBIODOSE
(CRP E35010) interlaboratory comparison

at both the 19th International Congress of Radiation Research (Aug. 25-29, 2019) and the 12th International Symposium on Chromosome Aberrations (Aug. 27, 2019)  in Manchester, UK. This study compared the performance of our Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI) using data from 6 different laboratories.  Each of these members of the  IAEA-sponsored Cooperative Research Project E35010, submitted images for calibration curve construction and at least 2 samples of unknown exposure to CytoGnomix for analysis with ADCI. We will report the results of this analysis during this presentation.

This poster presentation is now available on the Zenodo website (

doi:  DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4012748


Rogan P , Shirley B , Li Y , Guogyte K , Sevriukova O , Ngoc Duy P , Moquet J ,
Ainsbury E , Sudprasert W , Wilkins R , Norton F , Knoll J

Department of Biochemistry , University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London
Ontario, Canada
Radiation Protection Centre, Ministry of Health (L T -RPC), Vilnius, Lithuania
Dalat Nuclear Research Institute (VN-DNRI), Dalat, Vietnam
Public Health England (PHE), Oxford, Great Britain
Thai Biodosimetry Network, Kasetsart University (THA), Bangkok, Thailand
Health Canada, Ottawa Ontario, Canada
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River Ontario, Canada
Cytognomix, London Ontario, Canada

January 9, 2019. Article on fully automated interpretation of the dicentric chromosome assay for radiation quantification now available


Unfortunately, the journal has not made the article open access. We have made it available on our ADCIWiki website, as permitted by the copyright agreement.

The link to the pdf full text is: