Sept. 19, 2023. Democratizing ADCI as cloud-based software

We have published a new article describing use of the Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI) as a web-based application:

Ben C Shirley, Eliseos J Mucaki, Joan H M Knoll, Peter K Rogan, Radiation exposure determination in a secure, cloud-based online environment, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 199, Issue 14, September 2023, Pages 1465–1471

Imagine working with ADCI just by bringing your own metaphase image data.  We’ve developed a system where your data can be stored securely in your local region. This product is offered by term-length subscriptions, which can significantly reduce cost for short term projects.  The dosimetry can either be carried out by yourself or through consultation (fee-based) with CytoGnomix.

Rapid sample processing and interpretation of estimated exposures will be critical for triaging exposed individuals after a major radiation incident. The dicentric chromosome (DC) assay assesses absorbed radiation using metaphase cells from blood. The Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator System (ADCI) identifies DCs and determines radiation doses. This study aimed to broaden accessibility and speed of this system, while protecting data and software integrity. ADCI Online is a secure web-streaming platform accessible worldwide from local servers. Cloud-based systems containing data and software are separated until they are linked for radiation exposure estimation. Dose estimates are identical to ADCI on dedicated computer hardware. Image processing and selection, calibration curve generation, and dose estimation of 9 test samples completed in < 2 days. ADCI Online has the capacity to alleviate analytic bottlenecks in intermediate-to-large radiation incidents. Multiple cloned software instances configured on different cloud environments accelerated dose estimation to within clinically relevant time frames.