May 21, 2015. Platform presentation at Compute Ontario Research Day

Dr. Peter Rogan’s laboratory at the University of Western Ontario will present:

 Discovery of Primary, Cofactor, and Novel Transcription Factor Binding Site Motifs by Recursive, Thresholded Entropy Minimization

by Ruipeng Lu 1, Eliseos Mucaki 2, and Peter Rogan 1,2,3.    Departments of (1) Computer Science and (2)Biochemistry, University of Western Ontario, and (3)Cytognomix Inc., London ON

at Compute Ontario (abstract), Conestoga College, Cambridge Ontario, Canada. The presentation is in Room A2107 at 13:55 at the Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning.

April 30. Sale of MutationForecaster subscription

Cytognomix has sold an annual subscription to MutationForecaster, our comprehensive solution for next generation sequencing based mutation interpretation, to a hospital in Toronto, Ontario Canada. This customer was a previous subscriber to the Automated Site and Exon Definition Server, which is embedded in MutationForecaster and no longer available as standalone software.