August 13, 2013. Paper accepted on evaluation of mutation prediction methods

Letter to the editor: “Best practices for evaluating mutation prediction methods”

Available online: Human Mutation, in press.

Peter K. Rogan(1,2) and GuangYong Zou(3)

(1) Biochemistry, (2) Computer Science, (3) Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London ON

[available upon request. Contact:]




July 31, 2013. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the 63rd American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting

Session 27: Causes and Consequences of Chromosomal Variations.

Title: Non-random, locus-specific differences in DNA accessibility are present in homologous metaphase chromosomes.

Authors: Wahab Khan, Peter Rogan, and Joan Knoll.

Thursday, October 24, 10 AM. Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Grand Ballroom CDE, Concourse Level

This study examines locus specific DNA accessibility during metaphase using Cytognomix’s single copy FISH probes imaged by superresolution microscopy.